
San Juan Island Salt
Contact: Brady Ryan
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About Us
use the sun to naturally evaporate a mineral rich seasalt, using only pure filtered seawater.
Unlike other seasalt farmers, here at San Juan Island Sea Salt we let our seawater completely evaporate, bringing in the whole mineral wealth of the sea to broaden the flavor. We hope you enjoy this little taste of our favorite corner of this beautiful planet! San Juan Island Sea Salt. Oursunpoweredevaporationisquiet,seasonalandlowinput.Contrastthatwithboiledsalt,whichcantakeasmuchas2#ofliquidfueltomake1#ofsalt.
Unlike other seasalt farmers, here at San Juan Island Sea Salt we let our seawater completely evaporate, bringing in the whole mineral wealth of the sea to broaden the flavor. We hope you enjoy this little taste of our favorite corner of this beautiful planet! San Juan Island Sea Salt. Oursunpoweredevaporationisquiet,seasonalandlowinput.Contrastthatwithboiledsalt,whichcantakeasmuchas2#ofliquidfueltomake1#ofsalt.
Our salt is solar evaporated and hand harvested in unheated hoop-houses making the process completely driven by the sun. Unlike many seasalt makers, we allow our seawater to completely evaporate, bringing in the whole mineral wealth of the sea to broaden the flavor. Sea Salt you buy in the store is generally 99% pureNaCl (sodiumchloride). However, naturally the ocean is only about 80-85%NaCl, and this difference is where our salt packs in a whole lot more flavor!