

Shambala Ancient Grain Bakery Inc.
City: Mount Vernon, WA,
Shambala is a dedicated gluten, soy, peanut, and nut FREE facility!

Nancy Chase comes from 35 years as a tour operator being focused on sustainability, event planning, conscientious hotel design while offering remote international custom adventures. The intention was to evolve sustainable destination practices socially, agriculturally, and ecologically both locally and abroad, that would change the world one low impact hotel, tour operator, and restaurant at a time! Also being a teacher of Permaculture for many years, she focuses her attention to the interconnectedness of things, people and community. She has been a tenacious food -science geek since childhood turning kitchens inside out with mad experimentation creating robust and fulfilling recipes, using fresh ingredients to create best results.

Nancy and Nick’s Shambala Farm on the bucolic Camano Island grows most of the produce used in the bakery and menu,"We source local so you can too"! Enjoy luscious and eclectic fare including hand crafted baked goods using their own locally milled blends which feature what are called ancient grains: Organic Millet, Teff, Quinoa, Amaranth, Sorghum and Flax.