

Skagit River Ranch
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As certified organic producers, we don’t use antibiotics, steroids, growth hormones or animal by-products. We grow a variety of grasses, legumes, and herbs to provide our animals with a balance of natural nutrients essential for maintaining good health. Our Wagyu and Angus cattle are 100 % grass-fed and organic. For non-ruminant animals like chickens and hogs, we mill local organic grains on the farm to ensure the highest quality, non-GMO feed. We invite you to explore our web site, try our exceptional products, and visit the ranch.

Our ranch became “Certified Organic” in 1998. In order to pass the stringent requirements of Organic Standards set by the State Department of Agriculture (USDA) we are required to meet and maintain these rigorous criteria:

1. No chemicals/pesticides/herbicides on the land or pastures at least 3 years prior to certification
2. No hormones, antibiotics or animal byproducts fed to the animals during their entire lives
3. Animals must be born, raised, and spend their entire lives on organic fields
4. If grains are fed, they must be certified organic. (Our non-ruminant animals, chicken and pigs, need grain for their health. We mill certified organic whole grains)

To be “certified organic”, both the land and the animals must meet certification requirements. We submit ourselves to third-party verification and go through USDA inspection every year to build customer confidence and trust.